Saturday, June 18, 2011

A new baby!

No, not a real baby.

I decided that with the amount of shows I have scheduled to shoot, and the fact that I am totally loving it, I should invest in a better low light / high ISO camera. So I do have a new baby... the Canon 5D Mark II

I must say, while the 7D is an awesome camera, nothing compares to shooting with a full frame sensor. It shows that it is older technology compared to the 7D: less focus points, less sensitive focus points, slower FPS, monochrome focusing only,.... but the image quality is just sublime. I actually texted my friend Didier during the show (he went full frame about 8-9 months ago with a 1D IV) asking him if it was an awesome LCD or is full frame really that sweet. All he answered was : "welcome to a new level of photography".

I had the chance to try out the camera on the first day I bought it. Shooting the HHQC (Hip Hop Quebec) show at Club Soda, part of the Francofolies music festival. A series of Quebec hip hop artists all taking the stage for one night. It was pretty awesome. I'm not a huge fan of hip hop, but the music was really catchy, and the fans were totally loving it.

My gallery for the show is about 100 images.

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