Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Back to my urban shooting roots

Well, not really back to my roots, but seeing as I haven't done much urban shooting in a while, it felt good to get out there... specially night shooting, which is something I love.

Andrea suggested we go check out the tall ships that sailed into the Old Port of Montreal on Saturday. One of the boats being the Bounry from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. As our main bridge onto the island was closed, it took us a good 2 hours before getting there and finding parking (as compared to 20 minutes).

There were so many people. You needed to buy a $5 ticket to go onto the boats, which isn't expensive. However, they were sold out. People were lined up 4 deep along the railings just to see the boats, so it was somewhat of a struggle to get to a decent spot. Not much of a chance to get good shots. Oh well, there is always next year.

We were headed to a friend's house for a late evening drink and decided to stop by a spot I had been before to shoot a few night cityscapes. While I was at the same spot, the net result was slightly different. Less wind made for more reflections, but I find the images are a bit busier.

Enough of my rambling on. The first 4 are versions of cityscapes, processed differently. The last are some shots of the hoards of people at the boats, in Old Montreal and some shots while I waited for Andrea to finish up some shopping.

I hope you enjoy!
(you can click on the images to go to my flickr and see the images a bit bigger)












  1. Very beautiful. I love the black & white's

  2. Thanks Donna! I've been getting more and more in BW images, both seeing and shooting. Loving the timeless feel to it.

  3. I used to visit there as a kid, brings back memories. Amazing Images!

  4. Thanks Kristy! Montreal is a really great place.
