I'm sensing a trend here... 2 weekends in a row with a family shoot. Interesting.
Seriously though, I'm loving it. I just love people, what can I say. Meet Jack, Annette and their little cutie Isabella. We were originally scheduled for the shoot back in late September but we had to cancel at the last minute and rescheduled to this past weekend.
Every shoot has something about it that will stick with you for a while. This one was no different. It was damn cold, even for late October. I met them at their house and we headed to the nearby park. I think we lasted about 20 minutes before we headed back, frozen faces and all. Isabella was the only one who wanted to stay, surprise surprise.
They are a really sweet family and they both love their little one. Made it really easy for this photographer to capture some nice moments. Isabella is normally pretty laid back and relaxed. But man, get her outside, she turns on the spunk. Her boyfriends are going to have their hands full (yes Jack, she WILL have boyfriends whether you like it or not).
Here are a few images from the session
Mr with the camera, please make her stop!
Kids doing what kids do best...being kids
Is this not just an amazing smile?